Good Day

Hi everyone, I’m happy today because I am going to help my Nana cook for our Xmas dinner tomorrow and I can’t wait to open my presents from my Nana and papa. Also I am going to see my therpyist this Tusday and talk about how happy I am now but I still feel depressed but I still have to fake a smile and it hurts to fake a smile that looks like a real smile and I, Again thought about cutting again because I feel like I am sad still, but I still get though it everyday and 2 nights ago I was sleeping and I woke up and my room was black and I saw these 2 figures with 4 legs and they was all white with black spots on them and I wanted to cry again, and My Mama asked me if I seen them before I toke these meds and I said no it started when I toke them and I am getting even scared to even fall asleep in my own room and I was scared to fall asleep again last night because I was scared that they will appear again, I stayed up as long as I can but then I fell asleep I am scared of the dark more then I was before, I am 16 years old almost 17 and scared of the dark now, I can’t even close my eyes and not see them it’s scary

62 thoughts on “Good Day

  1. Well, there’s nothing in the dark…those are some of the weird imaginations we have as a kid, due to what we’ve seen in movies. You’re a scared of what doesn’t exist. To get over it, the first thing to know is there’s nothing in the dark and whatever you’re imagining doesn’t exist.

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    1. That’s want I keep telling myself but I don’t know want’s real anymore and I always think I am a bad person because I have done some bad things that make me think I am a bad person


            1. Ect Means more things then one thing i’v done in the past like i said i had sex so i did more bad things too so i wrote Ect


                    1. I cooked,cleaned up and after we got done cooking i went and watched tv today and when everybody came we started eating and after we all ate we talked then came home and stuff


                    2. I did have a good day though but i am just waiting for tonight because we get to open one present tonight and rest tomorrow yay


                    3. I will, And at my Nana’s i got something that i always wanted too so happy right now this is like my FAVORITE month EVER lol


                    4. Shower Gel and body lotion Lol and A Collection able Doll that is in a box so it won’t get broke i love those dolls my grandma use to have a lot of them in her living room


                    5. Yeah i know lol My sister was already asking me if she can use some when she is allowed lol i gave in and told her yeah lol


                    6. I don’t know but I was just wondering if you did or not,Lol like i fignred You do,When i get sleepy or really bored i can’t think straight or i get confuse really easy lol


                    7. Lol Okay and My Mama just told me it’s time for me to get off here and i might be able to get on tomorrow and i am going to write another post….Bye have a good day


                    8. I know but they look nice on the Shelf and My nana and grandma kinda grew up with them and I like how they look though and The ashton drake reborn dolls kinda helps me with my depression too so that’s why i wanted one too you know want im saying?


                    9. I know and thank you,The reborn doll from askton drake helps me to not feel lonely because i mean NO ONE i mean no one comes up and hangs out with me, no one calls me to ask if i can hang out with them or hang out with me i get lonely because no one to talk to,


                    10. Yeah i was cooking earlier with my Nana and sister and few hours ago i got home and I am on here and watching the tv in the same time lol with my dad


                    11. I won’t plus i am at my home but i wont forget lol i never forget anything well some things but i like taking pics lol


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