
People think that these pills are working,Wrong these pills are not helping to remember to smile, I still think about ending my life or cut again to get away from the pain i still feel inside, My pills are helping me sleep at night but not helping me to remember how to smile, I still fake my smile so no one knows i’m still broken and be hide my smile i am crying, I almost cried last night again And i have too more cuts on my left arm from last night at 8:30 at night. I have promised someone i will write good things about me but I can’t write good things about me Because i don’t know want’s good about me, whenever i don’t think about my past i always end up thinking about my past and want happen when i was little and with being called names i don’t know wants beautiful about me anymore i wear makeup so i can feel pretty and again when i don’t have makeup on no one really talks to me but when i have makeup on they talk to me like nothing, But the only way i get my friends attention is to put my head down on the table and cover my face up then they ask are you okay or wants wrong then i say i’m fine and when i start to say something else they ignore me like i was never their so i sit quietly and don’t say anything, It’s hard to be friends with someone you once dated and who broke you’re heart over and over again.

54 thoughts on “Pills

            1. *Keeping it up* I just sit in my room and no one to hang with or talk to and I’m glade I can talk to you about my depression


                    1. my 9 brothers and sisters live with their mom and My real dad got together with my step dad’s sister lol it’s weird but yeah


                    2. I know right, Well I will be on tomorrow and I’m going to post about my day tomorrow and how I’m feeling and happy things tomorrow and I will talk to you tomorrow I have to get off and eat…


                    3. It is I can’t wait to cook today with my sister and Nana, I love cooking but im kinda not good at making a cake but my sister is lol like I know how but I don’t know how to design it lol

                      Liked by 1 person

                    4. Yeah,Okay I really can’t wait till Monday πŸ™‚ plus I can’t wait till tomorrow because I will have my favorite food EVER lol


                    1. 6? On my real fathers side I have 9 all together but with my mom I have one brother and one sister but when my mom married I now have 2 more brothers and yes I am The first child my mother had first lol


                    2. Yeah it is a big family, And I can’t wait till my birthday because i’ll be 17 and I can try to pass my written part so I can drive


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